Psych 2: Lassie Come Home TV Show Reviews

Morrissey then starts barking at the freezer, which when opened, is found to contain Ova's frozen dead body. Morrissey then jumps out the window, and a noise leads Shawn, Gus, Juliet, and Chief Vick with guns drawn to the bar's main room. Per, Ova's son, then enters the room holding two guns leading to a standoff. How after Ova had his stroke, he no longer wanted to be a criminal and that Per didn't want to give up the criminal life.

lassie come home psych 2

Per is getting impatient and threatens to shoot Juliet, but Shawn jumps in front of her while mentioning the baby. Selene explains that the test is hers and Gus faints from joy. Selene then stabs Per in the eye with the pregnancy test, incapacitating him and allowing the gang to overpower him.

Shawn's Secret is Out | Psych

Chief Vick is handed a file marked urgent as she enters her interview for Police Commissioner. She can't help but peak at the file which is an updated ballistics report on the bullet recently found by Juliet including the gun from which it was fired. This distracts Chief Vick causing her to stand up and excuse herself from the interview acknowledging that doing so will remove her from consideration for the position.

lassie come home psych 2

Selene interrupts revealing to everyone that the pregnancy test was hers, not Juliet's. She says she has been trying to get in touch with Gus for two days now. Gus faints now realizing he is the one going to be a father. Selene being right next to Per, turns and hits him in the face.

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Lassiter sees the hallucination of his father right after seeing it. The next day, Lassiter recounts what he witnessed to Shawn and Gus. They have doubts about what Lassiter claimed to see but agree to check out the stables. Shawn and Gus beat Juliet home and frantically try to prepare for the special dinner with Gus spreading rose petals on the floor while Shawn prepares a dinner comprised of popcorn, pretzels, and jelly beans.

The duo then meet Ova Asblorn , who owns the bar and considers it his second chapter after his first business back in Norway. Shawn notices a fellow patron eyeing them threateningly and Ova explains that this is his son Per , who is not pleased with his father's career choices. Karen accosts Juliet before she leaves the station, and Juliet asks her excitedly whether she got the California police commissioner role she was being considered for. Karen says that there is still a final interview to get through, and then reminds Juliet that she should be honest about her secret investigation of Lassiter's case. As Juliet is about to leave, Selene joins her on her trip to Santa Barbara because she wants to scope out the Dolores situation.

News & Interviews for Psych 2: Lassie Come Home

Everyone is fast asleep, but Shawn suddenly wakes up to the sounds of a bumbling baby. He walks into the hallway and discovers Mary as a baby in a jumper chair. Mary expresses the joy of being a baby to Shawn, who sings him asleep with a lullaby. Gus has followed Shawn into the hallway and can also see Mary, who disappears when Wilkerson comes sneaking past and distracts the duo. Alarmed, the duo chase him down and confront him about his fake coma.

lassie come home psych 2

Lassiter witnesses a bleeding man seek shelter in a building across from his own, but it is mixed up with other hallucinations causing everyone to disbelieve his claims. Shawn and Gus investigate, but only find medical supplies and ice chips before being forced to leave by Dr Emile Herschel. Selene, Gus's girlfriend, tells Juliet that the two have secretly gone back to Santa Barbara.


After Juliet introduces Selene as Gus' girlfriend, McNab mentions she must be the nurse mentioned to him by Shawn which infuriates Selene causing her to return to the car. Shawn and Gus climb through the car to avoid being seen, during which, Shawn finds a positive pregnancy test on the floor of the car shocking him to discover Juliet is pregnant. Juliet is in her office looking into the confession of Lassiter's alleged shooter when she is surprised by Gus' girlfriend, Selene. Selene hasn't heard from Gus and is worried that something is going on or that there is someone else. Juliet assures her she has nothing to worry about as Shawn and Gus have been in Santa Barbara investigating a case, but inadvertently mentions the nurse appearing to be attracted to Gus which worries Selene.

When they arrive at the office, they discover that it has been turned into a cat café called Le Litière. They tell owner Maisie that they need to make some holes to retrieve their detective tools, but she says they will have to take that up with the landlord in the other room. This turns out to be Henry, who kept paying the office's rent when Shawn moved without breaking his lease in order to sublet it to ill-conceived start-ups like Le Litière. A new series of “The More You Know” PSAs will tackle systemic racism and speak up for social justice, equality and equity, NBCUniversal says. Participating will be a roster of NBC talent, including Dulé Hill, James Roday Rodriguez, Kelly Clarkson and Melissa Fumero, among others. The event highlighted how programmers are pivoting toward building data partnerships to form better, direct relationships with consumers, who are increasingly turning toward customizable digital services.

To defuse the awkward moment, Henry asks what he can do to help. Shawn informs him of Lassiter's list of errands, and accidentally discovers an indentation mark that says 'silent partner' alongside the date of the shooting. Henry leaves to analyze this lead and Gus returns with the snacks. Chief Carlton Lassiter of the Santa Barbara Police Department is ambushed on the job and left for dead.

lassie come home psych 2

After Santa Barbara Police Chief Carlton "Lassie" Lassiter is ambushed on the job and left for dead, he begins to see impossible happenings around his recovery clinic. What they uncover will change the course of their lives forever. Shawn and Gus arrive at the Viking's Den, where bartender Alina tells them that Tileback had dark secrets which were being exposed.

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Wilkerson explains he has been faking to stay safe after his best friend and partner Devon Tileback was murdered. He says the psychotropic ice chips must have caused him to confess that Tileback and him were cooking the books of their company as it was about to go public. Tileback tried to secretly meet up with Lassiter, but ran away once Lassiter was shot leading to his faked suicide and eventual murder. After leaving Wilkerson, Shawn and Gus run into Woody who has found another bag of bloody bandages.

lassie come home psych 2

Suddenly the two hear a sound outside, and when they look out of the window they see a bleeding man stumbling for the home's equine therapy stables. Lassiter fears his nightmares are causing him to go insane, but his father appears beside him in a hallucination to reassure him. 2020 has been the year of revisiting classic, beloved sitcoms from the 2000s.

To the puzzlement of the committee chair , Karen excuses herself from the room and recommends another candidate for the role. After being operated on and suffering a stroke during the surgery, Lassiter wakes up in the Herschel House recovery home only to see Shawn and Gus standing over him. The duo brought Morrissey with them as a gift, who is no longer Karen's because he apparently kept biting Iris.


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